Minimalist Case

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041 | How to Invest Like a Minimalist in 3 Ways?

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Have you ever dreamed of reaching financial freedom - a kind of freedom that allows you to live your life on your own terms? But you’re still not sure how to manage your investment portfolio, and kind of there are too many investment options to achieve the financial goals from mutual funds, stocks, or real estate.

Well, you're not alone. Many people aspire to achieve this level of financial independence, but often find themselves overwhelmed by the complexities and uncertainties of investing options.

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In this Minimalist Case blog post, we'll explore how minimalist thinking can help you streamline your long-term investment strategy and pave the way towards achieving your financial goals. Also, discuss 3 cost-effective yet diversified ways to invest like a minimalist, focusing on portfolio simplification (or even decluttering your current investment portfolio).

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Imagine a life where you have the freedom to pursue your passions, travel the world, and spend time with loved ones - all without worrying about money. Sounds like a dream? Well, it doesn't have to be. With careful planning and smart investing, reaching financial freedom is within your grasp.

The main purpose of financial freedom isn’t only about traveling the world, but the most important thing of your financial goals are to live your life without stress about money, having funds to pay for doctors, emergency cases, comfort, your kids’ education, and so on.

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Next, it's important to adopt a minimalist mindset when it comes to your investment portfolio asset allocation. Simplifying or decluttering your investments can not only save you time and energy but also reduce unnecessary risk. By focusing on a few key assets that align with your financial goals, stick on the path, you will be able to build financial freedom on your own feet.

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Of course you can store your money at home, but don’t forget about inflation that depreciates the money value by time. That’s why investment takes place. Not all investment assets are created equal. Some are best for short-term investment and some for long-term goals. To achieve your financial freedom, first define your money’s goal and do asset allocation to diversify them to generate profit by compound interest or cash flow for you in the long run.

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Investment portfolio simplification is a concept that resonates strongly with minimalists. Minimalism, at its core, is about living a life free from clutter and excess. It's about stripping away the unnecessary to focus on what truly matters. And this principle can be applied to our investments as well.

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When it comes to building or managing an investment portfolio, many people are drawn to complex strategies and intricate investment instruments. As we’ve mentioned before, asset allocation opens up the world of diversification. Think like a key and do a dollar-cost averaging or DCA in every month or a set of time periods with the same small portion.

For example, in a 12-month cycle, you want to invest in a single stock AB, instead of using $72,000US one time, you separate them into small 12 funds ($72,000 / 12 funds = $6,000US), and buy the same 100 shares of the AB stock. It costs you this figure.

Talking from the result, if you DCA your funds, you’ll have 8,209.96 shares in your stock investment portfolio at the end of the year, which is more than the one-time purchase. Why? As the name suggests, Dollar-cost average, is to average the cost of a particular stock or asset price. No one knows when and how much the price is cheap. To reduce the cost of investment, DCA means a lot for both short and long-term investment strategies. 

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Next, we’ll learn about asset allocation though, then go with 3-cost effective investment instruments as a minimalist approach which you can start today with a very small portion of your funds with DCA to succeed your financial freedom goals.

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As we’re talking, portfolio simplification and  cost-effective financial investment instruments allow you to achieve your financial freedom goal. By adopting a minimalist approach to your investment portfolio, you can simplify your strategy without sacrificing potential returns.

Asset allocation is another crucial aspect of reaching financial freedom in the long-term investment strategy by diversifying your investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate or commodities. This helps spread out the risk while maximizing potential returns over the long term.

No one knows when is the best time for stock, for real estate, because there are plenty of factors that affect the world economic trend at the time. Diversification by asset allocation though is like a cushion for any suffering.

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You may think a mutual fund is one of the best investment options to diversify, but don’t overlook another asset that may have potential to generate passive income like dividend stocks, or cash flow from rental real estate.

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When it comes to getting started with investment, the beginners may struggle where and which investing options to start. Especially ones who’re first year jobbers that have less cash flow and are inexperienced.

Long-term investing can feel like a labyrinth reserved for the financially elite, a game of chance played with Monopoly money on Wall Street. But what if I told you there was a secret path, a minimalist approach to building wealth that anyone, yes, even you, can start today? No fancy footwork, no high-stakes poker faces, just three simple, cost-effective options that leverage the power of diversification and asset allocation to turn your spare change into a steady stream of green.

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Rather than borrow money from your family or put all money in one investment - too risk to avoid! - Consider these simple yet cost-effective investment instruments with our top pick 3 low-cost investing options you can add up to your current investment portfolio or even decluttering your current ones.

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Forget the white-knuckled thrill of riding a single stock rollercoaster. ETFs, or Exchange Traded Funds, offer a smoother, cost-effective journey towards financial freedom. Think of them as all-you-can-eat buffets for your investment dollars, where you savor a smorgasbord of top-performing companies across diverse industries. No more putting all your eggs in one basket, praying it doesn't plummet. With ETFs, you're spreading your risk across dozens, even hundreds of businesses, ensuring that a hiccup in one doesn't spoil your entire picnic.

But the perks don't stop there. ETFs are minimalists' dreams. No need to research individual companies or become a Wall Street whiz. Simply choose an ETF that aligns with your goals, like growth or income, and let it do the heavy lifting. Management fees are typically low, unlike the hefty tolls you pay for actively managed funds - ‘Active Management’ strategy.

And there's a secret sauce to amplifying the benefits of ETFs: Dollar-Cost Averaging, or DCA we’ve talked about before. This way, you buy more shares when prices are low and fewer when they're high, automatically smoothing out the bumps and wrinkles of market volatility. It's like spreading out your picnic blanket over the entire buffet, ensuring you always have a tasty morsel to enjoy, no matter which way the market wind blows.

So ditch the drama of single-stock roulette and embrace the diversification buffet. ETFs, coupled with the DCA sprinkle method, are your ticket to a stress-free, cost-effective path to financial growth to the freedom of life. Go ahead, grab your plate and start building your minimalist money machine, one delicious bite at a time.

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Single stocks might be too volatile, but let's be honest, they're often unpredictable and high-maintenance. Mutual funds and index funds, on the other hand, are the reliable investment options to fit your long-term investment strategy - it’s dependable, and surprisingly fun in their own way. These cost-effective options are the minimalist's secret weapon for building wealth, and hefty price tags.

Think of mutual funds as curated investment baskets, hand-picked by financial experts to suit your risk tolerance and growth goals. Some mutual funds are called index funds, letting you diversify your portfolio with a single bite. No more spending hours analyzing individual companies or deciphering financial jargon.

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The advantage of index funds is to take the minimalist approach even further. They're like buffet lines featuring the entire market, letting you invest in a specific benchmark or index, like the S&P 500, NASDAQ, MSCI, SET100. They’re all Passive Management strategies with lower fees.

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Investing in real estate can feel like a gilded cage – glittering with potential but locked behind hefty down payments, endless paperwork, and the ever-present groan of leaky faucets. REITs reduce the hassle and cost of doing so.

With REITs, specific funds to invest in some commercial properties, instead of buying a whole rental property yourself, you pool your money with other investors and own a piece of a diverse portfolio of income-generating properties, like shopping malls, office buildings, or even data centers.

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Investing in REITs, you become a shareholder, reaping the rewards of rent without the pesky responsibilities of maintenance, repairs, and tenant tantrums. It's like owning a piece of the real estate pie, without the messy kitchen cleanup.

REITs are a good investment option as a minimalist person. No need to deal with mortgages, inspections, or late-night emergency calls. You're free from the time-consuming hassles and emotional rollercoaster of direct property ownership.

Simply choose a REIT that aligns with your goals (think income or growth) and let the professionals handle the heavy lifting. DCA your capital and see the growth by the time.

Not only these 3 cost-effective investment options, there’re a lot of potential ways about asset allocation. Minimalist person is crucial when building an investment portfolio for long-term growth by decluttering useless activities and focusing on only what matters for you.

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With minimalist thinking guiding our approach, you'll find yourself on the path towards greater financial security in no time!

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Remember no asset is the best performer in the long run. Markets are moved by various economic conditions all over the world. Consider your risk tolerant, allocate your capital, maintain cash flow , and diversify your investment portfolio by asset allocation.

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